Eve of Apparel

Crafting Your Style At Home: A Guide to Creating and Applying Vinyl Designs on Clothing

Crafting Your Style At Home: A Guide to Creating and Applying Vinyl Designs on Clothing

In today’s DIY culture, personalization is everything. From customizing home decor to adding flair to everyday clothing, people are increasingly turning to creative outlets to express their individuality. One popular way to achieve this is through vinyl designs on clothing. Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or a newbie to the world of DIY fashion, here’s […]

Finding Creative Spark in New York City’s Architectural Marvels

Finding Creative Spark in New York City’s Architectural Marvels

As a designer, my muse often emerges from unexpected corners. For me, it was the towering skyscrapers, intricate bridges, and bustling streets of New York City that sparked my creative flair. The city’s architecture stands as a testament to human ingenuity, resilience, and diversity, leaving an indelible mark on my design ethos. Walking through Manhattan’s […]

Introducing Me: Sarah Troan

Introducing Me: Sarah Troan

Introducing Me: Sarah Troan Coming up with an intriguing first blog post was very difficult, so I thought why not talk about who I am, so you know who you’re buying from. I am Sarah Troan. I was born in Fairfax, Virginia, which is right outside of our nation’s capital. I moved around a lot […]